Excerpt TRT: 3:31

Día de Muertos en México (1994-1998) TRT: 19:30

This video is an excerpt from an installation piece: La Calaca Videográfica. The video shows footage documenting Día de Muertos celebrations in the towns of Querétero, Querétero; Jarácuaro, Michoacán; San Felipe del Agua, Oaxaca and Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca between the years of 1994 to 1998.

Día de Muertos  1994 en Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca TRT: 40:00

A document of some of the traditions in the weavers’ village in Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca during November 1-2, 1994 with altars in homes, that includes interviews with residents about their local customs, cleaning and decorations of the graves of their ancestors and the celebration in the cemetery with local musicians.

Ahi Viene La Muerte Cantando (Here Comes Death Singing) 1995 TRT: 29:55

This video is Latino Experimental Theatre Company production that includes poetry and projected video on Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico.

México se Escribe con “M” de Muerto (Mexico is written with “M” of Death) 1995 TRT: 51:43

This video is a Latino Experimental Theater Company production that includes poetry and projected video of Mexico’s Day of the Dead celebrations and historical archeological sites using poetry from 15th century poet/philosopher, Nezahualcóyotl through contemporary poets to explore the theme of death as a part of Mexican philosophy.